Thank you for visiting my Internet site. 

I’m a freelance medical writer and author of twenty books, hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, and even a number of greeting cards. While most of my books have been on medical subjects, I also write on women’s and family issues.

I like to think of my writing as a conversation I’m having with my readers, one on one, over coffee or just chatting on the phone. I try to translate confusing medical jargon into friendly easy-to-understand lay language.

ElainesBooks.Com contains information about a number of the books that I’ve written. You might enjoy checking on those of interest to you. Although three of my books: Depression: What Families Should Know; Coping with Kids and Vacation; and Two for the Money: A Woman’s Guide to a Double Career Marriage are no longer in print, you might be able to find them on one of the online bookstores.

I appreciate your visiting ElainesBooks.Com. You may reach me at 813-259-9673, or you may send me a fax at 813-254-1174 or email me at and let me know how you like it. Thank you and stay well.

Elaine Fantle Shimberg


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